What Does It Take To Be A Good Hr Manager?



In any organization, there are some key positions that pull the strings to ensure the business always stays running at its peak. One such position is that of an HR manager. Even though HR managers have a vast array of responsibilities, just handling them alone will not guarantee success or make you a good HR manager.

At the basic level, an HR manager’s job comprises duties like recruitment, career development, welcoming new employees, processing salaries and payments, maintaining employee relations, etc. However, the roles and responsibilities of an HR manager vary according to the size and nature of the organization.

According to the stats published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the increasing demand for HR managers is expected to grow by 6% by the year 2029. It is said to be the highest across the average occupations. So if you wish to be regarded as the best in your industry you need to work a lot on yourself and also pick some new skills and qualities along the way. This step can be aided by completing a good HR management course. One can even look into completing a good HR course online, alongside their current employment. Here are some of the things that will help you in your career as an HR manager.

So if you wish to be regarded as the best in your industry you need to work a lot on yourself and also pick some new skills and qualities along the way. Focusing on Strategic Human Resource Management is an important step in establishing yourself as a strong leader. Here are some of the things that will help you in your career as an HR manager. 

What does it take to be a good HR manager?

Diving into some of the key qualities and skills that are often overlooked by even the top HRs of huge conglomerates:

Visualizing a bigger target:

As an HR manager, your job is not just hiring new candidates for the company. You also have to pay attention and retain the good ones that are already there. It is very important to keep your current employees engaged in the company as it will keep them motivated and loyal towards their job.

To maintain a good retention ratio, you might have to make changes to your company’s review, growth, and recognition policies. Improving these policies will save you from losing good employees and encourage them to bring good candidates as well.

Step out of your office:

A vast majority of employees around the world get scared when they are called to the HR office, irrespective of the reason. Such an attitude promotes fear, insecurity, and in some cases, it can create a massive gap between the employees and the management.

To stop this from happening in your office, you need to mingle with your co-workers more. Meet them at their workstations or convey messages directly. Also, you can ask them about their experience and attend to their grievances at the earliest.

Keep up with technology:

Technology can work wonders only if you know the best way to use it. One of the main reasons to use technology more frequently is to improve the process and boost overall efficiency. You can learn about the different tools that can help you automate your work so that you get time to focus on other important tasks.

For instance, you can use online employee tracking software to ensure that your employees make the best use of their time and offer more productivity. These programs can help you track your employee’s leaves, attendance, breaks, and reward points.

Modern, industry-relevant HR courses typically introduce their candidates to the vast array of technological advancements, specially curated for the Human Resource management field. IIM Trichy offers the Strategic Human Resource Management Programme, specifically designed to create a new breed of HR managers for the modern business world, supported by a prestigious institute.

Show empathy and compassion:

In almost every organization employees are instructed to convey their grievances to the HR manager. Due to this most HRs in top companies have adopted the open-door policy. This means that you need to make your employees feel safe and comfortable when they share their grievances with you. At times they might not need an immediate solution but just listening to their problems will boost their confidence in you.

You should be empathetic towards your employees, as it later contributes to building a stronger bond of trust. So when you’re speaking to your employee or giving them some bad news let them know that you understand how they might be feeling at that very moment.

Trust between HR managers and employees can lead to an increase in engagement, productivity, and collaboration. 

Be discreet:

When you become the HR manager of a particular company you get access to a substantial amount of critical data. This data often contains personal and professional information of the employees. You also need to handle the information about complaints and layoffs carefully. At the same time, you have to make sure it is conveyed only to the people who have the necessary authorization.

Some employees might also tell you about their problems such as financial shortages, medical emergencies, employment issues, etc. You need to be secretive about information like this too, as dissemination of information of this nature can lead to major consequences. 


Becoming the better of something is a slow process and requires time. So if you want to become a good HR manager, you need to give yourself time to learn about the different aspects and grow progressively. However, you need to keep your mind open and calm to handle any situation tactfully and avoid negative outcomes. 

To better prepare yourself, especially adding a valuable certification in your resume, it is important to consider pursuing a good HR management course. While the institute itself has merit in its name, it also offers an industry-relevant curriculum and renowned faculty delivering the course. Therefore, it is hard to look past the opportunity afforded to candidates. The Strategic Human Resource Management Programme offered by IIM Trichy is the solution for working professionals in the field of HR management, looking to advance their skills and abilities and grow exponentially. For more information about this program, or other programs offered, subscribe to our blog!


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