Perks of Accelerated General Management Programme from IIM Ahmedabad

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In the field of management, facing complex challenges on a day to day basis is a part of the job. While some of us may have already developed an effective problem solving approach, in a dynamic field like management, we most often feel the need to develop new tactics as per the changing environment. If you’re wondering what’s the simplest and quickest way to hone your managerial skills, the answer is an Accelerated General Management Programme by IIM Ahmedabad. This Accelerated General Management Programme is a one year long, interactive course designed for working professionals. 

Here are some of the reasons why you should consider it as your stepping stone to success.

  • Innovative learning strategy for an effective pedagogy: The management sector in every company plays the most crucial role in its growth and development. While one correct decision may take your company to greater heights, the other may wreck havoc within no time. The Accelerated General Management Programme is designed keeping in mind the importance of this decision making. In this course, we train our students to think strategically and act smartly.
  • Enhances your problem solving approach: A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Following this popular saying, the Accelerated General Management Programme ensures that the participants in this course earn their skills through sheer hard work. The program will feature a blend of real life case studies, quizzes, assignments and written examinations where the students will get the chance to face some of the toughest challenges in order to become efficient managers.
  • Sharpens your managerial competence and skills: This course brings you a mix of  intensive and immersive campus learning along with interactive virtual classroom learning to keep you up to date with aspects of general management in a global business environment. You will also receive various networking opportunities that will help you acquire new age management skills and grow further in your chosen field.
  • Prepares you to take higher responsibilities: With a faculty of successful general managers, an interactive pedagogy and challenging case studies, the Accelerated General Management Programme prepares you for the global business world. It not only equips you with the new age managerial techniques but also contemporary ones in order to ace your current leadership role. 
  • Acquire necessary perspectives for general management positions: As an employee who’s just beginning their career, you often tend to imitate your seniors and may develop the same problem solving perspective as them. While there’s nothing wrong in doing that, you must know that there are more beneficial ways of solving the simplest of situations rather than going for the same outdated solutions. The Accelerated General Management Programme will help you figure the most strategic solution by widening your perspective.

Being a general manager is all about shouldering huge responsibilities. Your company’s growth and reputation depends on every decision you make. To be an efficient manager, you must be a well-informed leader and a strategic planner. The IIM Ahmedabad – Accelerated General Management Programme can help you be both. All you need to do is make the decision to be a part of this interactive course.

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