3 Things that Strategic Sales Managers Do Differently

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An effective sales manager is someone who manages a sales team and consistently hits sales targets set by the company. There can be many sales managers with enough years of experience behind them but they might be lacking in some key skills that restrict them from becoming strategic sales managers. Many sales managers struggle with upskilling to become a part of the strategic sales team. For success, this sales manager is to have the knowledge and the skillset to drive the strategic sales team to its desired goals.

In this scenario, sales managers can acquire the right training by enrolling in marketing management or sales management programmes. One such marketing management course or strategic management course is the Professional Certificate Programme in Strategic Sales Management and New Age Marketing – IIM Kozhikode.

The course is designed for experienced professionals who can be developed into stronger sales professionals. Below are some of how an aspiring strategic sales manager can be benefitted before enrolling in the said course:

  • Trains Everyone Equally

As a sales manager and coach, it is important to take the team together. It is a myth that coaching, motivation, and constant encouragement are only required for the weaker performers on the team. On the contrary, it is equally important for the sales manager to be a constant source of encouragement and support to your “A” performers as well.

Pop psychology concurs that when someone hits their target consistently for some time, the chances of them becoming complacent with the depleted drive are consistently high. Everyone on the team deserves the attention of the sales manager regardless of their past performance. Hence, they must take the time out to even coach the best as well as the worst ones on the team.

A course like Strategic Sales Management & New Age Marketing – IIM Kozhikode equips the aspirant with such qualities that are prerequisites to become a successful sales manager. 

  • Pays Importance to Early & All Sales Phases

Sales is a process with a beginning, middle, and end. Most often, sales managers are mistaken that the end of the sales process is where all your energies need to be focused upon to reach the target. This is a false belief; if your initial stages of the sales process are laden with mistaken steps, it is unlikely that sales will go in an intended manner.

Strategic sales managers make it a point to diagnose the missteps that occur during the beginning of the sales process. By progressing in such a manner, the sales representatives may come across customer problems that can only be solved in the best way by your company alone, or you can even impart an understanding to the sales representatives about the buying criteria for your product in order of priority from the most to the least important. When attention is paid to the most pertinent details of the sales process, the sales manager is allowing the team to function and deliver performance to its fullest potential.

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  • Manages Time Better

From the very beginning, strategic sales managers understand how to manage their obligations and not to get involved in inadvertent traps. In other words, they steer clear of getting involved in other people’s works.

The basic problem stems from the fact that it is the natural human desire to be needed by others, and sales managers often get involved in solving other people’s concerns and problems. Although it is an understandable trait, the more one does this – the more one is constrained from doing one’s assigned job and ends up losing one’s leadership productivity. This directly impacts the sales team over the long haul. The antidote to this kind of behaviour is to get the priorities right and aim to become a strategic sales manager.

Most importantly, remember to only get involved in something one can do the best instead of getting involved in things others can accomplish. Remain conscious of not taking on problems that are not coming your way. Give enough space to people in your team to solve their problems with only minimum involvement from your side. Over time, you will begin to recognize that people are capable enough to resolve their concerns much better than you thought.

When trying to build time management traits, a course like Strategic Sales Management & New Age Marketing – IIM Kozhikode can come in handy in preparing the aspirant. 


When you shift your attention to these 3-points, your likelihood of becoming a strategic sales manager is higher. 

The Strategic Sales Management & New Age Marketing – IIM Kozhikode offers experienced professionals modern-day techniques to become stronger salespeople. The marketing management or sales management course assesses the knowledge of the aspirant through assignments, projects, and quizzes. On completion of the course, the candidates are likely to become critical to providing impetus to organizational sales activities. And would become a great source of value addition for stakeholders within the company while keeping the company ahead of the competition.

Enroll in the training, and seek to become a modern and adaptive professional in the sales domain.  

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