10 Types of Digital Marketing You Should Know

10 Types of Digital Marketing You Should Know

In the virtual era, digital marketing is nothing new but a common term for business owners to determine the success of their ventures. It refers to any kind of marketing that happens online. This is one of the simplest ways to define the term that has taken modern businesses by storm. 

Every company worldwide needs to have an effective digital marketing strategy. However, the kind of digital marketing a business uses depends on its short-term and long-term goals. With digital marketing, a business can reach a big audience without spending too much money. And the best part? You can easily measure the results.

If you know about digital marketing, you certainly know that it’s always changing. What worked a few months ago might not work now. It’s a fast and always changing field. Now it comes as a no-brainer that more and more students are flocking to institutions offering a digital marketing course. Advanced Programme in Digital Marketing: Business Models, Processes and Technologies course by IIM Ahmedabad is one such course that is attracting hundreds of professionals each year from all around the country.

Digital marketing is a strong tool for good business results. To understand it, you need to delve deeper into what it is, how it works, and the different types of digital marketing approaches that you can use. This blog will highlight 10 important types of digital marketing being used extensively by most businesses to elevate their online presence and generate valuable leads.

Table of Contents

Deep Dive into the World of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the act of selling your services and products through virtual channels. It encompasses all marketing channels and tactics that use the internet as a medium to connect with your clients. Your social media accounts, emails, websites, blogs, newsletters, etc., are some of the most popular means to connect with your customers. All of these fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

The concept first became popular in the early 2000s but has been around much longer. The idea was first born in 1874 when Guglielmo Marconi first demonstrated the public transmission of wireless signals and invented the radio. After the first live broadcast of an opera performance at the Met was released and people bought show tickets, digital marketing was born. Ever since then, businesses have been capitalizing on digital marketing skills and using digital channels to communicate with their existing customers and reach out to potential customers.

What Role does Digital Marketing play in Business?

Digital marketing, regardless of whether it is done on a large or small scale, acts like a superpower for businesses. It provides everyone with a fair chance to grow and the best thing about it is that you can talk directly to your customers and find new ones too. Because of the numerous benefits digital marketing offers, businesses these days are scouting potential candidates with digital marketing certification to make their business processes more seamless.

Nowadays, almost every brand has a website. And if they don’t, they’re probably using digital ads and being active on social media. People are so into digital media that they go online to learn more about brands. What’s more fascinating is that digital marketing gives you tons of options. You can try different tools and technologies even if you don’t have a substantial budget for digital marketing. So, if you want your business to be known and do well, you need to use various types of digital marketing tools every day.

10 Types of Digital Marketing Every Organisation Must Know

Now that you have an idea about what digital marketing is and the role it plays in every business, it is time to understand the different types of digital marketing that can help you boost your visibility and scale up your business.

1. Search Engine Optimisation

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is one of the best-known SEO trends that is a crucial part of promoting your business online. It involves making sure that all your articles or web pages rank and show up on the top of the search results when people use various search engines like Google or Bing. But how do you do this? All you need to do is focus on specific words or phrases in your content that match with what people are searching for online.

While doing so you also need to remember that you should not stuff keywords in your content just to make it rank. The search engine algorithms don’t work that way and they can gauge whenever a content is keywords stuffed. Thus, it’s essential not to use too many keywords. If you force them into your writing, it can make your content sound strange and lower its overall quality. Keeping your content high-quality is key for SEO to work well. To connect with people online and increase your sales, it’s vital to use your digital marketing skills carefully and make SEO a top priority for your business.

There are three main types of SEO that can drive traffic to your site. This includes:

  • Off-page SEO

This SEO concentrates on all the activities that happen ‘off the page’ while you are trying to optimise your size. People with a digital marketing certification in SEO are aware of using inbound links also popularly known as backlinks to bring traffic to any site. By using such links your ranking gets affected by the publisher’s sites that are linked to you and you can claim the ‘relative’ authority of these publishers. By collaborating in the form of guest posts you can gain external attention and achieve backlinks to push your site forward. However, remember to check the domain authority of your publishers to ensure that you are linking with only reputed sites.



  • On-page SEO

This SEO involves optimising all the content that appears on a website page. When you conduct research on keywords and find their search volume and meaning, you also possibly offer readers the answers they are searching for on the internet and take your website one step higher on the search results.

  • Technical SEO

This is when everything is concentrated on the backend of your site and how your pages are coded. Some of the most common forms of technical SEO include CSS file optimisation, image compression, structured data, etc., which can effectively improve your website’s loading speed.

2. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is another type of digital marketing that aims to create and share various types of content to get more customers and sales. The content shared can be blogs, videos, social media posts, podcasts, infographics, and more. Therefore, while hiring manpower specifically for content digital marketing jobs, businesses ensure that the candidates have the knowledge and skills required to create easy and user-friendly content. This will ensure that the content can be easily searched on search engines, thereby attracting new clients organically.

To make content marketing strategies effective, you need to think about the people you want to reach. Good content not only helps sell products but also builds a good image for the brand, creates trust, and makes customers want to stick around. In digital marketing, everything relies on having the right content for your business.

Therefore, content marketing is all about giving your audience useful information through different kinds of content. However, there are specific formats for mobile users, such as push notifications and apps. Different channels may need different formats. Remember to think about the format, channel, and type when choosing the best content to achieve your marketing goals. People use content marketing for many reasons, but the most important one is turning visitors into potential customers and then turning those potential customers into paying ones.

Some of the most commonly used content marketing strategies include:

  • Web pages
  • Social media platforms
  • Infographics
  • Infotainment videos
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Paid ad campaigns

3. Social Media Marketing

With the advent of communication platforms, social media has become one of the pivotal strategies that plays a big role in how companies advertise online. When you share your brand on different social media platforms, it generates more engagement and helps bring more people to your website and social pages. This, in turn, allows your potential customers to flow in while making more and more people aware of your brand.

Social media marketing acts as a team player in the world of digital marketing, working alongside other strategies like SEM, SEO, Content Marketing and PPC.

Social media has taken up most of the space not only in an individual’s phones, laptops and tablets but also in their lives. On average people spend almost 2 hours regularly using social media and there are over 3 billion active users. So technically, you can target 3 billion users on a daily basis and try to turn them into your loyal customers.

Some of the most commonly used social media platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat

So, when you use social media marketing, you’re basically using these platforms to showcase your brand, content, and products. This helps more people recognize your brand, brings more visitors to your site, and attracts potential customers.

Furthermore, for social media marketers, it’s vital to check how well all your posts are doing to make a solid marketing plan based on the information gathered. The data will show if you are connecting with more like-minded customers, turning visitors into buyers, and ultimately bringing value to the company. 

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the significant methods that allow you to promote your business by sending emails to your customers. It enables you to build a loyal customer base, increase brand exposure, and collect honest feedback from your customers. Creating a newsletter is the most effective way to boost your email marketing. You might initially encourage your prospective audience to sign up for a newsletter. You may eventually provide regular updates on selling your products and services.

On the other hand, your email marketing strategy will only be effective if you have a list of potential subscribers. These are the people who will be interested in your content. People who subscribe voluntarily are more likely to connect with your brand, so focus on them.

Here are a few ways to make your emails more attractive to your potential customers:

  • Create a sense of urgency by writing an email that informs your recipients that they must make a purchase right away. You may utilize discounts, seasonal deals, and holiday offers, among other things, to entice more visitors to visit your website.
  • Allow your receivers to customize their settings and choose how frequently they wish to receive your emails.
  • Personalise your email by using the recipient’s name in the subject line or the letter body to show your customers you care.

5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay Per Click, or PPC, is a method of increasing traffic and increasing the number of individuals who visit your website. Normally, you accomplish this by paying the website owner for each click on your ad. Google Ads is one of the most popular examples of PPC, where you pay to have your website at the top of Google’s search results. Apart from this, you can also use PPC on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. PPC can also be considered similar to Search Engine Marketing (SEM). However, it can also include showing ads on websites and partnering with others to promote your site.

Other than Google Ads, here are some other channels you can consider for PPC:

  • Twitter Ads Strategies

This allows you to put a whole list of profile badges and posts to the news feed of your particular audience. This is done to achieve specific business objectives like more app downloads, more tweet engagements, gaining more Twitter followers, site traffic, etc.

  • Facebook Paid Ads

Here you can invest in customizing a slideshow, picture or video that the platform will bring to the newsfeed of the people that have the potential to become your audience.

  • LinkedIn Sponsored Messages

This is another platform where you need to invest in sending messages to LinkedIn users that you feel can become your audience based on their industry and background.

6. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a remarkable way to promote things online. With people’s attention span going down drastically, videos are a great way to keep them engaged. This type of marketing uses words and pictures together to make videos that grab people’s attention. You can do this by putting videos on your website or social media pages, or by sharing them on sites like YouTube.

If you use videos to talk about your brand and the things you’re selling, you’ll not only attract more new customers but also help them stick around. Some of the techniques you can use to make your videos interesting include:

  • Use animated videos and GIFs
  • Repurpose your videos to address your audience’s issues and consider their pain points
  • Use user-generated content for marketing campaigns
  • Invest in vertical video formats for Instagram and TikTok
  • Add video testimonials about your brand to make it more relatable

So if you want to make your brand stand out, try using videos in your digital marketing strategy. It can be one of the most effective ways to gain visibility and make a positive impression on potential customers.

7. Data Analytics And Marketing Intelligence

This entails using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) marketing approaches in your marketing plans. These have turned out to be one of the most interesting and new ways of promoting things online. Using data analytics, AR and VR means to find out what people love and then use these unique technologies to give them what they want and keep them interested.

With this, you can better understand the market and its needs which can foster more personalised and effective digital marketing strategies. With data analytics and marketing intelligence, you can create higher efficiency, greater customer satisfaction and bigger profits. Right now, marketing with these technologies can be costly, but if you have a significant budget, you can try incorporating them to see groundbreaking results.

8. E-Commerce Marketing

With all the marketing operations taking place online, e-commerce marketing has become an essential strategy for online stores. E-commerce websites use digital platforms to promote their products and grow their business considerably. They can use social media, email campaigns and search engines to attract visitors that facilitate online purchases. 

You can use rich media ads, banner ads or display ads to promote what you are selling and allow customers to be aware of your brand, thereby building a loyal customer base. Furthermore, you can write relevant blogs, posts, guest posts, etc, to let customers know about what you are offering. Relevant videos and a dedicated FAQ section can also enable customers to know about how to avail of your services and their benefits. 

9. Local and Mobile Marketing

In today’s world, people use smartphones more than their tablets or laptops as it offers to be the one-stop platform that provides all the required convenience. So, as an organization, using it to target potential customers can be ideal. 

Mobile marketing can be done via SMS or apps. While apps are increasingly popular, they can serve the same purpose as websites. More people might like engaging with an app rather than going to the website every time. Thus, it is essential to use user-friendly, simple and intuitive apps. You can send regular push notifications through the app to keep your customers engaged. Additionally, SMS can make people aware of the various offers and discounts running on your website. This can be beneficial for people who do not own a smartphone.

10. Influencer Marketing

This is one of the latest trends centered on digital marketing. This strategy basically uses people from social media platforms who have a large follower base. Businesses hire these influencers to promote their websites, brands, products and services. 

The influencers act as your brand ambassadors who create posts and videos or feature your products in their blogs to create awareness. You don’t need to hire celebrities for the purpose of marketing. Popular faces on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. can yield you the same results as famous celebrities do but at lesser remunerations. If you are a smaller brand, look for small-scale influencers who wouldn’t require heavy compensation to promote your brand.



As everything becomes more digital, marketing strategies should not just stick to traditional methods. With the different types of digital marketing strategies, businesses can promote their products and services and optimize their short and long-term goals. 

If you found this blog helpful and want to learn more, consider enrolling in the Digital Marketing: Business Models, Processes and Technologies course by IIM Ahmedabad. You will learn every knit and grit about digital marketing in this course, enabling you to traverse the field with excellence. Whether you’re starting a new career or advancing in your current one, this course offers an easy and flexible way to learn.

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