Tips To Be A More Effective Cyber Security Expert

Cyber Security Expert Jaro​​

One of the reasons why it is difficult to find top-notch cybersecurity professionals is because they need to come with a potent combination of necessary technical abilities/ hard skills and soft skills. Only when individuals come with a combination of such skills does a company recruit them with quite hefty salaries. This blog seeks to enumerate how professionals can break into the cybersecurity job market.  

Another way of accommodating into the cybersecurity job market is through online cybersecurity courses or certification for cybersecurity offered by IIM Nagpur via the programme called Joint International PG Certificate Programme in Cybersecurity Management and Data Science. Such courses allow professionals to break into the cybersecurity ranks.

Tips to Become a Better Cybersecurity Expert

  • Impeccable Work Habits

A cybersecurity professional is expected to have a high degree of adaptability along with strong analytical and diagnostic skills. One must-have an in-depth understanding of common internet vulnerabilities while possessing good knowledge of contemporary standards, procedures, practices, and methods. Lastly, a cybersecurity professional must be eager to delve into technical questions and be capable of looking at a problem from all angles.

  • Soft Skills

Cybersecurity professionals are often required to articulate technical details to higher-ups in the management. This requires them to explain hard-core technical topics in a layman’s language to the superiors for better understanding. They are also required to have a good level of patience to understand an issue coming from the customer’s side while practising active listening.

Besides this, they must promote a culture of security across the company through social engineering. This means they are responsible for promoting healthy security habits such as non-sharing of passwords, credentials, and other access mechanisms to non-authorised personnel.

  • Technical Skills

In terms of technical skills, the range of skills to be acquired by a cybersecurity professional is quite vast. That said, many of these jobs share a common technical foundation. Foremost, every cybersecurity professional needs to understand the architecture and working of various operating systems such as Linux and Windows along with networking and virtualisation software such as firewalls and other things like network load balancers. It is good on their part if they have an aptitude for software analytical skills.

They need to have a common understanding of the most common programming languages such as C, C++, Java, assembly language, and scripting languages. Many employers prefer individuals with certifications, and cybersecurity certification plays a pivotal role in the hiring of professionals. By getting certified, you are reinforcing your technical skills to the company without any ambiguity.

Some of the popular certifications for cybersecurity include-

  • CISA (Certified Information Security Auditor).
  • OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional).
  • CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker).
  • GCIH (GIAC Certified Incident Handler). 
  • The certification offered by IIM Nagpur – Joint International PG Certificate Programme in Cybersecurity Management and Data Science is also a valid certification to break into the cybersecurity domain.


  • Implementation Skills

Every cybersecurity professional understands how to examine their company set up with a holistic view. This can include testing, modelling, vulnerability assessment, and so on. They are also expected to understand emerging issues with the operating systems, virtualisation software, and networking.

Overall, it is more about implementation conjoined with an understanding of the installed systems. They need to study the established company architecture and use that information to recognise security controls in place and how they are used. The same applies in the case of app deployment and databases.

  • Management Skills

At senior-level cybersecurity, professionals are expected to organise and coordinate systems and network vulnerability assessments, physical security assessments, and wireless security assessments and implement security infrastructure solutions. They are likely to be called upon to provide technical direction towards managing security incidents and ensure the integrity of the ensuing approach and process. In the case of soft skills, they need to be capable of communicating incidents and breaches to the top management.


If you possess all of the above-mentioned traits, you can also be top cybersecurity professional. Another way of cracking into the cybersecurity domain is through online cybersecurity courses on cybersecurity management offered by IIM Nagpur called Joint International PG Certificate Programme in Cybersecurity Management and Data Science.

The cybersecurity programme or cybersecurity certification enables the professional to be at the forefront of cybersecurity, data analytics, AI and is brought to you in collaboration with the University of Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology. It is a combination of data science and cybersecurity. This techno-managerial program equips professionals in senior and middle management roles by laying the foundation for cybersecurity.  Eroll today! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What do you need to know before studying cybersecurity?

You need to come from a technical background, which means a background in physics and maths. You should also have great enthusiasm for both the software and hardware aspects of IT. If you have a knack for both, then you are made for a career in cybersecurity.

  • Is the cyber security course difficult?

Cybersecurity courses are not difficult per se but are quite vast. You are required to master various aspects of IT to become good cybersecurity professional.

  • What is included in the cybersecurity course?

You will be learning about hardware, networking, software, and operating systems along with common programming languages such as C, C++, and Java. You need to be prepared to be a “jack of many trades” if you seek to become a cybersecurity professional.

  • What skills are needed for cybersecurity?

Soft skills, implementation skills, technical skills, management skills and impeccable work habits are needed for cybersecurity. 


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