Reasons for the Rise of EMBA in 2022


The pandemic has given enough reasons for working professionals to bloom with EMBA and surge ahead in their careers. With the advent of MBA executive online or EMBA, more working professionals are taking their careers forward along with academics.

One of the best EMBA courses available in India is the Dayananda Sagar University, Executive MBA Program. The DSU Executive MBA program offers a wide range of courses and allows working executives to acquire new skills to become competent managers in the challenging corporate world.

Reasons for the Rise of EMBA

EMBAs are generally meant for mid-career working professionals and entrepreneurs who seek new insights that can improve their decision-making by a significant margin. The programs are specifically meant for working professionals with valid years of work experience. Let’s look at the reasons for opting for an EMBA:

  • Flexible Approach

The program has been categorised into modules. Classes are only held in the evenings and during weekends, often with the possibility of blended learning, accommodating both online and offline approaches. This helps working professionals to accommodate studies within their hectic work schedules.

  • Value of Degree

An EMBA sometimes can be considered to have more value than a traditional MBA as it prepares the student for the next level in the corporate world. The work experience and an EMBA make the candidate ideal for promotion within their organisation.

  • Coursework and Viewpoint

The course may not be as engaging as a traditional MBA, but that is not the purpose to begin. The course does mirror everything an MBA has, but the discussions on topics are at a higher level. It is designed to make a future leader aware of business opportunities and difficulties.

  • Best Faculty

Universities only recruit faculty with real-world consulting or business knowledge for the program. This gives candidates good exposure to the corporate world from the leadership’s viewpoint.

  • Strong Peer Network

Candidates are carefully chosen for an EMBA program based on strict criteria. Most often, they are handpicked from various domains and industries. This creates a situation where knowledge sharing and learning become the norm. Such a holistic learning environment helps everybody enrolled in the program.

  • Collaborative Perspective

EMBAs are known for promoting a collaborative rather than a competitive atmosphere. Each aspirant brings in their own repertoire of skills and experience and shares it with their fellow cohorts. This helps team building and opens opportunities for assimilating diverse ideas from different perspectives.

  • Entrepreneurship Opportunities

Getting industry exposure and mentoring by experienced faculty can open many doors for incubating business ideas even during the program. Candidates can test their ideas and validate the proof of concept within the ambit of the program. The program itself can become the ground for nurturing a business idea.

  • Increased Earning Potential

Most often, candidates who earn an EMBA get promoted and hike in their salaries. Recent surveys have even validated that the salaries of candidates with EMBA have risen despite the impact of the pandemic.

  • Boosts Skills and Personality

Undertaking an EMBA course is a transformational experience for the individual. The challenges brought forth from the program helps in shaping the personality of the individual. Overall, the person becomes more confident with their body language and personality.

The Big Picture

There are very few programs where you get a 360-degree view of the industry, business models, best practices, and individual contributions in a single platform. An EMBA helps you achieve that.

Final Thoughts

The pandemic has taught us that a difficult situation can be turned into an opportunity. On the same lines working professionals can embrace EMBA executive online courses to surge as marque professionals in their domain during difficult times. Dayananda Sagar University has been ranked #12 by a recent survey on B-schools from Hansa research. In addition, they are considered above most of the current crop of IIMs the government has recently set up. Learn more about the program. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Is an executive MBA better than a regular MBA?

Executive MBA is meant for working professionals with work experience. In contrast, a regular MBA is done by graduates who do not have any work experience. From that perspective, an EMBA has more weightage and utility for the candidate than a regular MBA.

  • Which are the best executive MBA programs available in India?

The Executive MBA Program offered by Dayananda Sagar University is one of the best in the country. Many recent surveys have called it the best MBA for working professionals in India with experienced and imminent faculty. 

  • What is the difference between a general MBA and an executive MBA?

Anybody can do a general MBA with a graduate degree. However, an EMBA is strictly meant for working professionals with real-world experience.

  • Does an Executive MBA have the same value as a full-time MBA?

Yes, sometimes more, given the utility of an EMBA. It makes the student acquire skills to take challenging assignments in the corporate world.


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