Cyber Security Jobs Description: Role Overview, Skills Needed, Salaries, and Job Trends in 2023

Cyber Security Jobs Description: Role Overview, Skills Needed, Salaries, and Job Trends in 2023 blog

According to a recent survey by datareportal, more than 60% (5.07 billion) people globally use the internet today. And according to US-based cyber security firm Norton, only India faced 18 Million cyber threats in the first quarter of 2022 itself. Which means 200,000 cyber threats a day!

Imagine you being the chief guard protecting the system from such vulnerable attacks; how valorous you would be to not only prevent the cyber threats but also shield the crucial piece of financial or confidential information.

Considering the enormous internet usage and fraudsters continuously finding loopholes to breach the system, the cyber security jobs role becomes highly competitive.

This blog post focuses on providing a wide range of information on the roles & responsibilities, types of skills to inculcate, pay scale, and job trends if you are planning to have a career in the field of cyber security. Along with this, we will also suggest institutions that offer the best academics when it comes to getting trained for becoming a cybersecurity professional.

Qualifications Required to Get Cyber Security Jobs

Cybersecurity is a serious role for which the demand is never ending, and to pursue a career, you need a specific educational degree(s).

  • Firstly, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in
  • Computer science
  • Information technology
  • Computer engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Network security
  • Computer and information systems
  • Network engineering

You can enroll in Advanced Professional Certification Programme in Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking with E&ICT, IIT Guwahati. The duration of the Cybersecurity program is 1-year.

See the highlights of the cyber security program:

  • Certification of the competition from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati
  • Live classes from Subject Matter Expertise
  • Campus Immersion
  • Case study discussion
  • Training & Projects
  • Learning & Mentorship

Besides, you can have Cybersecurity certification course that includes:

  • CompTIA Security
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate – Routing and Switching
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate – CCNA Security
  • Microsoft Technology Associate
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor

So that’s how you’ll be able to gain eligibility for the Cybersecurity career. With the educational qualification, you must also have skills to get selected for the Cybersecurity profiles and beat the competition.

10 Skills to Adapt to Get Cyber Security Jobs


Scripting includes running simple OS commands to complex programming languages, like python, which is executed by an interpreter. So, having this skill would be an added advantage when you are looking for a cybersecurity role.

Control & Frameworks

The control ensures to prevent your business from malicious attacks. On the other hand, the framework is a compilation of best practices, security protocols, tools, and white-hat policies to maintain security standards and protect crucial information.

  • Frameworks mostly vary from organization to organization. We have added some common frameworks that are widely used:
  • Centre for Information Security
  • National Institute of Standards & Technology
  • International Organization for Standardisation
  • System for Organizations Control 2

Detection of Intruders

Getting yourself involved in knowing the malicious activity threats is one of the best skills to get the job at your willing salary. It is one of the skills that only a few professionals can develop. You must also know how to operate malicious activity detection software, security information, and event management products. Such software helps identify online threats and cyber-attacks.

Security Activation & Control on Network

Many big companies use a network that helps their systems connect internally, but attackers might take advantage of it. For this, get yourself trained for handling wireless and wired networks.

  • Other than this, you can even make yourself excel in different skills, such as
  • Operating Systems
  • Respond to Malicious Incidents
  • Cloud & DevOps
  • Knowledge of Threats
  • Regulatory Guidelines
  • Mobile & Application Security

Now that you know what education skills are required, let’s also take a look at the job description.

Roles & Responsibilities of Cyber Security Personnel

The main objective behind hiring a Cybersecurity specialist is to protect the confidential information of the organization. And performing the job, there are various duties. So, let’s get to know each one of them.

  • Eliminate risk, performance, and capacity issues by conducting threat and risk analysis.
  • Perform vulnerability assessments and run audits of operating systems, web servers, and databases.
  • Identify malicious patterns, vulnerable features, and intrusive activities from the unknown user.
  • Build firewalls and protect information technology infrastructure.
  • Create and execute security guidelines, processes, and standards.
  • Perform diagnostics on any sample data and check for loopholes.
  • Allow authorized users to access data.
  • manage and overcome pay-per-click systems from vulnerable cyber attacks.

So, these are some responsibilities you as a Cybersecurity professional must undertake when signing a job. Lastly, let’s know how you can start and advance your career as a Cybersecurity expert.

Job Profiles Salary Structure, and Career Path

Job Role

Role Type

Annual Salary

Cybersecurity specialist

Entry-Level Role

5 LPA – 24 LPA

Cybercrime analyst

Entry-Level Role

3 LPA – 10 LPA

Incident & intrusion analyst

Entry-Level Role

1.5 LPA – 31.5 LPA

IT auditor

Entry-Level Role

4 LPA – 24 LPA

Cybersecurity engineer


3.2 LPA – 18 LPA

Cybersecurity architect


15.3 LPA – 50.2 LPA

Source credit:


As the usage of the internet increases, the demand for Cybersecurity specialists skyrockets. The job profile is exciting and full of growth and opportunities. If you want to switch your career, get yourself enrolled in one of the best institutes, complete the Cybersecurity course, and get paid the best you deserve.

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